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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Vision=, for_children: n"
Reclaiming the Balance, Saving the Future Shares Native American concerns for the health of the earth and the well-being of future generations.
Angels A theologian and a scientist on the connections between angels, artists, and prophets.
Thomas Merton the Man A fascinating portrait of the Trappist monk by one of his closest friends.
Life Visioning A learning course on manifesting the Divine in your life and developing your intuition.
Coaching, Compassion, and Making a Difference Coaching, Compassion, and Making a Difference by Maria Nemeth presents a thought-provoking overview of this phenomenon where people actively seek out the encouragement of others to help them fulfill t…
Longevity Examines the hope that the baby-boomer generation will use their last years to create the good society they yearned for in their youth.
Politics is Personal A California state legislator's views on the need for a new paradigm in politics.
Green Mass Hildegard of Bingen’s vision, most relevant today, of a green, interconnected world.
Legacy An exploration of the effects of colonization on Indigenous people and of paths to recovery and healing.
Tomorrow's God Food for thought on important issues of the day.